Thursday, June 25, 2009

Last Day

I never thought this day would arrive. I feel anxious yet at peace.

I think I did all I could do here this year. Now, I sit here in my packed up room still full of the materials and junk from the 1970s that are not mine, working on my own computer, alone. The few people with whom I've formed professional relationships are not in the building today. So, I spend my last day alone with the few outings to use the restroom or help another teacher move some materials.

I listen to NPR and read the news online. Stories about people out there making a difference and I hope that I can be one of those people. I don't know if I made any positive differences this year. I can only hope that some of my students feel that I did. I can only hope that they go on to the next grade ready to learn.

I sit here and apply for social work positions. I make my "to-do" lists and lists of accomplishments.

I'm bored.

The last day should be celebratory amongst colleagues, but alas, it is just as the rest of the school year went. Not surprising. A fitting ending to a less than stellar (professionally) year.

I'm bored, but not for long. The beginning of the next chapter remains unwritten. Only good can come of this.

I now look forward.

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